Supporting people to articulate with care, clarity & wise intention in body, speech & mind
After a stint in publishing then a career in journalism, and subsequently PR, I made one of the best decisions of my life and went freelance. I’ve since worked with people and organisations in the NGO sector, specifically human rights and refugee/asylum advocacy, academia, mental health awareness and recovery, environmental science and the arts, to name a few. My personal and professional experience - in communications and in terms of well-being practices - has led me to believe in strength of mind, body and speech as the guiding principles of meaningful work.
Words, and the attention we give them, can have a profound impact on how we perceive and respond to people, events, communities and life in all its messy wonder. The same applies to how we regard our bodies, how we move through our days, the messages we relay across our physical and physiological being, and the ways we relate to each other. Fundamentally, it’s all about the art of communication.
That’s why I’m passionate about supporting people to express themselves well, to transcend limiting constructs of all kinds, whether that’s ideas we may have uncritically or subconsciously absorbed that fuel misunderstanding or perpetuate unhelpful messages, or images and ideals that overshadow our own wisdom, or the formulaic ways we articulate ourselves at the expense of conveying what we actually mean.
We all have the potential to be more attentive, effective and response-able. My work revolves around empowering people to find their way towards that, to choose wisely, and to speak, move and act with greater care, clarity and intention towards making a positive impact.
Read more about me, how and with whom I work, my yoga and meditation offerings, reflective writing classes, and mentoring opportunities.