Aliya Mughal

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On emptiness

Emptiness is...

Infinite liberation or inward claustrophobia?

Deep within a vast expanse

There is dread and anticipation

of a reality beyond

the limits of perception.

An abandoned plot

A vacated seat

A room freed by absence

A blank page

An untouched landscape.

Perfectly imperfect

the rawness in between.

A reverberating echo.

A pause in the continuum.

Holes in the veil.

To be empty is to feel hunger.

To rest in the discomfort

of physical and emotional wilderness

with no need or desire.

It is an experience of vacancy.

A parenthetical limbo.

A willingness to fall

without fear or hope.

It's room to breathe

not space to fill.

*This is a photograph taken at Gulfoss Waterfall, Iceland, January 2015. It's a country where desolation envelopes you, where all your senses are thrown off balance by a melancholic beauty rarely encountered anywhere else, thanks to the halcyon stillness. Landscapes can appear empty of light, people and sound at any time of the day. A truly other worldly place of ghostly calm*