
Bat watching: The art of paying attention

All animals occupy a different niche in space and time.  Bats, as the only mammal to have developed the ability of true flight, are uniquely placed to survive in the shadows of the night-time.  As well as being ecologically indispensable, they are magnificent to watch.  Tuning into their world is a privileged way of gaining access to this world and a poignant reminder of our place in the universal order.

Never mind asking how we ought to live, it’s now about how we survive

What constitutes a meaningful life, what is the point of existence, how do we fulfil our potential in a single lifetime in such a way that contributes to humankind, to the planet?  These are the questions that provide the subtext to virtually all human activity and thought. Only we no longer have the luxury of time to contemplate the possibilities because we've antagonised the planet to the point of bringing on our own extinction.

From chaos comes order: Climate change and the case for hope

We’re blindly going where no-one has gone before.  Hurtling towards apocalyptic doom thanks to the industrial advances since the 18th century. The Anthropocene era is irrevocably changing the planet. But it doesn't have to be doom and gloom to the premature end.

Only nature can save us now

Irreversible species decline, catastrophic climate change, fresh water shortages and global food insecurity – it can be easy to despair when every day brings another slap in the face of a headline. With each new report, hope can disintegrate as surely as the ozone layer. But it doesn’t have to be like this – if we take the time to pause and reflect on the causes of despair, some say there is a chance we can save ourselves.