
Drifting and resurfacing: Getting back on track after we lose our way

When we find we’ve wavered off course, when the worldly winds distract and torment us, causing us to become entangled in mind weeds, how do we find our way back to solid ground?

Getting clear on your needs & writing as a release

Clarifying what we need can help us to treat ourselves and others with greater care and attention. For me, writing is part of that process, of listening deeply. When I write, so much that comes out is garbage. And that's part of the process. A little glimmer or two of sense emerges from the sifting, by emptying out the waste matter the sense is easier to see.

The nauseating weight of words, via Harold Pinter

Whenever I get stuck with a piece of writing, when I have an idea but am unconvinced by my attempts to resolve it, I turn to the masters on my bookshelves for advice.

Always generous, always wise, eternally insightful, the books they have written and which I hold dear never fail to provide inspiration, sometimes usefully diverting me down another path so that I can return to my own with renewed hope.

My three words for 2018

I’m not one for resolutions. But I am one for words.

Words that set the tone, capture the scene, express the truth, and lay the foundations for a story that is captivating enough to hold your attention, sustain your focus and make you change the way you think or behave for the better.